
Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to our environment. Once plastic enters marine environments, it continuously breaks down into smaller fragments. Marine animals cannot distinguish these fragments from food, often ingesting them, which can lead to choking or starvation. From 2012 to 2022, 731 plastic pollution control policies were introduced globally.

Purpose and Benefits
1. 提早了解公司在營運及商業活動的過程之中,重大的塑膠衝擊熱點。
2. Establish transformation actions and targets to proactively address regulatory risks.
3. 建立塑膠相關指標,用以衡量公司塑膠管理相關進展。
4. Respond to international survey assessments, such as the CDP questionnaire.
5. Align with sustainability reporting framework requirements, such as IFRS/SASB/GRI.

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