CDP Questionnaire Consultation Response

◼︎The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an international non-profit organization representing investment institutions with over $130 trillion in assets. CDP sends questionnaires to companies and suppliers in which these institutions invest, aiming to leverage the influence of the value chain to encourage companies to prioritize climate change issues, identify related risks and opportunities, and integrate climate considerations into business decisions. The goal is to set energy-saving and carbon reduction targets to collectively combat global warming.
◼︎Initiated by CDP, the Climate Change Program has been inviting thousands of companies worldwide each year since 2003 to disclose their carbon management data, risks, and opportunities.
◼︎CDP has since developed a more diverse range of projects, including Climate Change, Carbon Action, Water Security, Forests, Cities, and Supply Chain. Through its efforts over the years, CDP has become the most widely used disclosure system for corporate management of carbon, water, forests, and other related natural capital on a global scale.

CDP Questionnaire Guidance Process

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