Plastic Leakage Assessment

Plastic pollution poses a significant threat to our environment. Once plastic enters marine environments, it continuously breaks down into smaller fragments. Marine animals cannot distinguish these fragments from food, often ingesting them, which can lead to choking or starvation. From 2012 to 2022, 731 plastic pollution control policies were introduced globally.
Since 2022, the United Nations has been discussing a global plastic treaty. Nearly 175 countries have agreed to establish a legally binding global agreement on plastic pollution by 2024. This agreement will cover the entire lifecycle of plastics. Companies within the plastic value chain are now facing a new wave of physical, transitional, legal, and reputational risks.

Purpose and Benefits
1. Early identification of significant plastic hotspots in the company’s operations and business activities.
2. Establish transformation actions and targets to proactively address regulatory risks.
3. Develop plastic-related indicators to measure the progress of the company’s plastic footprint.
4. Respond to international survey assessments, such as the CDP questionnaire.
5. Align with sustainability reporting framework requirements, such as IFRS/SASB/GRI.

Guidance Process
1. Select the targets for the assessment, such as the organization or products.
2. Confirm the assessment objectives and choose the methodology.
3. Map the plastic-related upstream and downstream value chain.
4. Identify the participating departments and allocate tasks.
5. Identify the information to be collected and create assessment forms.
6. Explain the assessment forms and provide training.
7. Collect data and gather feedback.
8. Compile, calculate, and evaluate the data.
9. Prepare the assessment report and suggest improvement actions.

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