Key Partners

Green Industry Association

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

Taiwan Energy Service Association

Alliance for Water Stewardship

Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark

Global Reporting

Carbon Disclosure

International Financial Reporting Standards


Cozeta Energy became a member of the New Taipei City Green Industry Alliance (GIA) and the Energy Technology Service Industry Association (TESA) of the Republic of China in 2013, and obtained the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' certificate as a technical service institution.


Cozeta Energy has become a certified training partner of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The Global Reporting Initiative is an international independent standard-setting organization that provides a set of globally recognized sustainability reporting standards. These standards help businesses, governments, and other organizations understand and communicate their impacts on economic, environmental, and social aspects, enabling organizations to issue public, standardized sustainability reports.


Cozeta Energy has become the sole accredited service partner of CDP in Taiwan. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a global nonprofit organization committed to driving public disclosure of impacts and management practices related to climate change, water resource conservation, forest degradation, and other issues by businesses, cities, and regions. Our collaboration with CDP underscores our firm commitment to promoting sustainable development and environmental responsibility.


Cozeta Energy has become a member of the SASB Alliance. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) focuses on developing and promoting sustainable accounting standards. Following its integration into the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Sustainability Alliance, we have joined as a member of this alliance, adhering to international standard frameworks and continually assisting companies in disclosing sustainability information alongside financial data.


Cozeta Energy has become a member of the AWS Alliance and a recognized partner of CDP-accredited SBTi services. The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) is a global membership collaboration comprising businesses, non-governmental organizations, and public sector entities. Members contribute to the sustainability of local water resources by adopting a universal framework for sustainable water use and demonstrate performance in driving water management.


Cozeta Energy has become a partner of GRESB. GRESB is an investor-driven assessment organization dedicated to evaluating the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of global real estate. It collaborates with the industry to provide standardized and verifiable ESG data for capital markets, enabling investors to better understand the commitment and achievements of companies in sustainable development.

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